Creating the Perfect Montessori Children's Room

Parents worldwide widely recognize and admire the Montessori philosophy's holistic approach to childhood development. Based on the groundbreaking work of Dr. Maria Montessori in the early 20th century, this method focuses on celebrating the uniqueness of every child, nurturing their natural curiosity and potential. The Montessori approach is all about encouraging independence, which is pretty awesome! We believe in creating environments where children can freely explore, learn at their own pace, and engage in hands-on activities that they find interesting. This philosophy can be easily incorporated into everyday home environments, not just limited to schools.

If you're a parent who wants to create an excellent environment for your children, learning about and applying Montessori principles can help you provide a loving and empowering childhood.


Main Parts of a Montessori Children’s Room

When applied to a child's room, the Montessori concept is meant to help them become more independent, satisfy their natural curiosity, and give them a safe, exciting place to play and learn. Here are the main parts of a Montessori room for a child:


Low Racks

  • Made so that a child can get to it quickly.
  • It lets them choose their hobbies and toys, which helps them feel independent and good at making decisions.

** An example is the Monty Play Shelf; you can display the toys so your child can learn more at their own pace and keep toys that aren't being used out of sight to keep the play area clean and calm. You can organize everything with trays, bins, and shelf rooms, from big toys to small ones.


Wooden Materials

  • It gives more weight to wooden toys and organic fabrics.
  • Stimulate their senses and make the experience more physical than plastic.

** An example is the Monty Cylinder Blocks Set, a learning tool designed to help your child intuitively understand size and volume. These wooden blocks were designed by our developmental experts with a focus on helping kids learn through play.

Wood is also what makes Monty Toy Store's baby jumper, The Rue, must-have, one-of-a-kind toy in the baby market and the Monty Organic Cotton Play Tunnel a notch above other toddler play tunnels that are made of plastic. 

Floor Beds

Beds in Montessori rooms are often on the floor, giving kids the freedom to choose when to sleep and wake up, making them feel more independent.

** A simple mattress or futon on the floor with soft cotton sheets and a cozy canopy or fabric wrapped around it for privacy and warmth.


Safety and Cleanliness

  • The rooms in Montessori are usually clean and free of distractions.
  • Safety comes first. All products and furniture should be safe for children to avoid getting hurt.

** Wall outlets should have safety plugs over them. Wooden furniture should have smooth edges, and the room should only have the needed things.


Real-world stations

  • These are places set aside for activities like things you do every day, like getting dressed, watering plants, or cleaning.
  • It helps kids learn how to get along with others and understand the world.

** A small station to put on clothes with a low-hanging mirror and a few sets of clothes on pegs. Another could be a self-serve water station with a pitcher and cups made for kids.


Open floors

  • There is enough room for the child to move around, play, and explore without being crowded.
  • It gets children moving and lets them use their imaginations.

** A space in the middle of the room free of furniture can be used for dancing, playing with more giant toys, or putting together a big game.


Furniture for kids

  • The furniture is made to fit a child's size, making it easier for them to use and move around.
  • It helps kids do things independently, boosting their sense of self-worth.

** An example is the Monty My Little Table Set which the child can engage in activities like coloring, crafting, or having a snack. It is a flexible and durable piece of furniture that both kids and their parents will love.


Changing toys and materials

Instead of giving kids too many options, only a few toys and materials are shown, and these can be changed every so often, keeping the child's surroundings fresh and exciting.

** There might be between 5 and 7 toys on the shelf, like a stacked toy, a shape sorter, and a few books. These things can be switched out every few weeks with other toys from storage to keep things interesting.



  • When placed at a child's eye level, mirrors help them see themselves and learn about the world.
  • They also add another sense to the experience.

**A full-length mirror safely attached to the wall at a height where a toddler can easily see themselves while playing or getting dressed.

** You can combine the benefits of mirrors with the feel of wood with the Monty Mirror Blocks.


Decorations and art at a child's eye level

  • You can hang artwork and other decorations where children can see them instead of arranging them from an adult's point of view.
  • It makes the room more personal and exciting for the person who uses it most.

** A wall gallery with art made by the child or prints of nature. The pieces should be in simple frames and hung at heights that allow the child to see and enjoy them closely.


How to reorganize the room you already have

Getting rid of clutter and restoring things where they belong can give a place new life and make it more valuable and pleasant.


Here's a step-by-step plan to help you change a room you already have:

  1. Assessment: Start by looking at how the room is now. Find out what you want the space used for most, like sleeping, learning, or playing.
  2. Get things together: Ensure you have trash bags or bins, containers for storing things, cleaning tools, and labels.
  3. Clear Out the Room: Suppose you can eliminate everything in the room. This lets you start over and clean the room thoroughly (by vacuuming, dusting, etc.).
  4. Sort Things: Sort everything into four groups: "Keep," "Donate," "Recycle," and "Trash." If you haven't used something in a year or it has no use, you should eliminate it.
  5. Think About Furniture: Check to see if all of the furniture in the room is useful and needed. If the furniture doesn't have a clear function, move it or use it for something else.
  6. Systems in an organization: Put ways to store things in place that will help keep the room clean. This could be shelves, boxes, bags, or furniture serving multiple purposes. Labeling storage bins makes it easier to find things and put them away.
  7. Plan Design: Set up the furniture and storage in a way that makes the room move best. Ensure there is enough room to move around and everything has a place to go. Ensure places where the kid play, are well-lit, either by natural light or with extra lights.
  8. Keep things you need handy: You should make things you use often easy to access. For example, toys and books that a child uses often should be on lower shelves or in bins that the child can reach without help.
  9. Use a few decorations: Keep things accessible when redecorating. Choose a few key decor pieces instead of putting too many in the room. This helps keep the place calm and free of mess.
  10. Keep the Space Clear: Set up a regular schedule for cleaning and putting things away. This could be a weekly review where you ensure everything is in place and unnecessary items are removed. Encourage all family members to participate in maintaining the room's order. When everyone is involved, it's easier to keep the space tidy.
  11. Continuous Re-evaluation: Periodically assess the room's organization. As needs and lifestyles change, the space may require tweaks or another round of decluttering.


How to Extend Montessori Principles to Other Areas of the House and Daily Routines

Parents can seamlessly permeate various facets of their child's daily life with the Montessori approach, creating a holistic Montessori environment at home. You can extend these principles by following these steps:



  • Provide child-sized utensils and tools for food preparation, such as spoons, cups, and safe knives.
  • Children can participate in food preparation by washing fruits, kneading dough, or spreading butter.
  • Designate a low shelf in the pantry or fridge for healthy snacks and drinks they can access independently.



  • Children can independently reach the sink using a sturdy step stool. You should keep their toothbrush, toothpaste, and washcloth at their level.
  • Encourage routines such as brushing their teeth, washing their hands, and combing their hair in their self-care routine.


Living Room

  • Designate a corner for the child's activities or belongings, even in shared family areas.
  • Display family photos or art at the child's eye level to create a child-friendly decor.
  • Incorporate games, puzzles, and reading sessions to create interactive activities instead of passively watching TV.


Outdoor Space

  • Set up a garden bed or pot to plant and care for your plants to explore nature.
  • Let them help with outdoor chores such as sweeping, watering plants, or cleaning patio furniture.


Daily Routines

  • Let them choose their outfits and dress independently. Over time, they can also learn how to fold and put away their laundry.
  • Make tidying up a routine after play or meal times, which instills responsibility and care for their environment.
  • Involve them in planning and shopping for meals. They can help make grocery lists or pick out fruits and vegetables.
  • Establish a predictable bedtime routine, including reading a book, dimming lights, and tucking them in.


Family Activities

  • Involve children in family decisions, such as planning weekend activities or vacations.
  • Assign responsibilities around the house, tailoring them to their age and capabilities.


Tech and Media

  • Limit screen time to an acceptable amount
  • When allowing screen time, guide children in interactive educational apps or learning videos that align with Montessori principles instead of just engaging in passive consumption.
  • Foster periods of the day where you focus on hands-on activities, away from screens, to create tech-free times.


Dining Area

  • Teach them how to set the table correctly and let them assist before meals.
  • Encourage family meals where everyone sits together, fostering communication and shared responsibilities like serving and cleaning up.



Parenting is a fantastic journey of discovery, where even the most minor details can lead to big revelations. Watching how your child interacts in their spaces and being open to making adjustments when necessary is a crucial part of this journey. Being attentive allows us to see the world from their perspective, ensuring their surroundings always suit their changing needs.

Moreover, nurturing children in a Montessori-inspired environment offers long-lasting advantages. It helps to cultivate independence, curiosity, and respect, which grow throughout a person's life. This leads to adults who are self-reliant, inquisitive, and considerate.

By embracing the Montessori ethos, you're transforming a room and shaping a bright future. As you think about these insights, have you considered transitioning to a Montessori room for your child?

If yes, it's important to remember that when you invest in someone, you're supporting them now and laying the groundwork for their long-term development and happiness.


Monty Toys - A Revolution in Child's Play

As parents, we naturally seek the best for our little ones. We understand, consciously or intuitively, that the first 5 years of our child's life will shape the structure of their brain for the rest of their life.

Monty Toys isn't just another toy store.

Our toys are a testament to the importance of our children's early years.

Monty Toys are designed and curated by our child developmental experts to nurture your child's innate curiosity, fostering independence, critical thinking, and respect for oneself, others, and their surroundings.

By providing strategic toys and materials tailored to your child's developmental stage, we allow children and parents to become active agents in their own education and development.

Every product from Monty Toys comes with a tailored 1-page informational document, ensuring parents grasp the educational essence and purpose of each toy. This guide illuminates the science behind the toy's design and offers insights into enhancing a child's learning experience.

It's not just about play; it's about informed, developmental engagement for both child and parent.

Join us in Learning through Play!

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